Christina G. Whitney


Hey there,
I’m Christina Whitney


Intimacy, connection and relationship is something that ignites a passion deep within my soul. I believe we were all created for connection and intimacy and much of how we live today is far from that.  In 2013 I got my Masters in Psychology and have a private practice in Northern California where I work as a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist.  After spending a majority of my time working I am a certified sex informed therapist and working towards becoming a sex therapist. I have a passion to see people made whole, couples living a life full of love, compassion and sexual fulfillment.  As a mother of 6, running a private practice, I understand how important it is to make yourself and partner a priority and how many times shame is attached to sexuality. To learn more click here.   

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Every day, you can take steps to undo the trauma that was done to you and reclaim the happiness and inner peace that you deserve.

- Christina G. Whitney